Analog circuits were once necessary in many fields of technology, including control systems. Analog circuits were used to build many types of controller, but in controlle...Show MoreMetadata
Analog circuits were once necessary in many fields of technology, including control systems. Analog circuits were used to build many types of controller, but in controller design, synthesis of analog circuits were difficult. Because of its difficulty, most analog controllers have been replaced by digital controllers. Currently, the field programmable analog arrays (FPAA) which is a high level analog circuit, switched capacitor are widely used. Effective controller design and synthesis of analog circuits can be achieved easily using the FPAA. Therefore, the FPAA is applied to this project to design and synthesize an enhanced controller. An optimal controller, LQR as an example requires precise controller gain to obtain the highest performance which cannot be obtained using normal analog circuits. Moreover, using the FPAA can overcome performance degradation due to discretization in the synthesis of digital controllers. The simulation results confirm the advantages of a FPAA controller.
Date of Conference: 01-03 July 2019
Date Added to IEEE Xplore: 25 July 2019
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