In this paper, we consider the resource allocation in two-tier wireless systems in which small-cell base stations harvest energy from renewable sources in addition to the...Show MoreMetadata
In this paper, we consider the resource allocation in two-tier wireless systems in which small-cell base stations harvest energy from renewable sources in addition to the conventional power grid. Moreover, we assume that each cell has access to an energy storage system with a limited battery capacity. We introduce new mechanisms that enable an efficient allocation of the available energy over time across the network. In doing so, we take into account the time-varying fading channel, the inter-cell interference and the fluctuations of harvested energy. In particular, we propose convergent offline algorithms to maximize the network energy efficiency while satisfying an average sum-rate constraint at each cell. Furthermore, we extend the resource allocation scheme by enabling an energy cooperation between the cells. By cooperating, they can exchange their harvested energy through a smart-grid power infrastructure. Using numerical simulations, we verify the convergence of the proposed algorithms and analyze the efficacy of the resource allocation and energy cooperation schemes.
Published in: IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications ( Volume: 15, Issue: 9, September 2016)