1 January 2003 Automatic detection and boundary estimation of the optic disk in retinal images using a model-based approach
Huiqi Li, Opas Chutatape
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A new method to automatically locate the optic disk and estimate its shape in color retinal images is proposed. Principal component analysis (PCA) is applied to the candidate regions at various scales to locate the optic disk. The minimum distance between the original retinal image and its projection onto "disk spaces" indicates the center of the optic disk. The shape of optic disk is obtained by an active shape method in which affine transformation is used to transform the shape model from shape space to image space. The effects of vessels present inside and around optic disk are not eliminated, but also incorporated in the processing. The proposed algorithm takes advantage of top-down strategy that can achieve more robust results especially with the presence of large areas of light lesions and when the edge of the optic disk is partly occluded by vessels.
©(2003) Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE)
Huiqi Li and Opas Chutatape "Automatic detection and boundary estimation of the optic disk in retinal images using a model-based approach," Journal of Electronic Imaging 12(1), (1 January 2003). https://doi.org/10.1117/1.1526101
Published: 1 January 2003
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Optical discs

Blood vessels

Principal component analysis


Eye models

Affine motion model

Image processing


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