27 February 2015 Depth-map and albedo estimation with superior information-theoretic performance
Adam P. Harrison, Dileepan Joseph
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Proceedings Volume 9405, Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications VIII; 94050C (2015)
Event: SPIE/IS&T Electronic Imaging, 2015, San Francisco, California, United States
Lambertian photometric stereo (PS) is a seminal computer vision method. However, using depth maps in the image formation model, instead of surface normals as in PS, reduces model parameters by a third, making it preferred from an information-theoretic perspective. The Akaike information criterion (AIC) quantifies this trade-off between goodness of fit and overfitting. Obtaining superior AIC values requires an effective maximum likelihood (ML) depth-map & albedo estimation method. Recently, the authors published an ML estimation method that uses a two-step approach based on PS. While effective, approximations of noise distributions and decoupling of depth-map & albedo estimation have limited its accuracy. Overcoming these limitations, this paper presents an ML method operating directly on images. The previous two-step ML method provides a robust initial solution, which kick starts a new nonlinear estimation process. An innovative formulation of the estimation task, including a separable nonlinear least-squares approach, reduces the computational burden of the optimization process. Experiments demonstrate visual improvements under noisy conditions by avoiding overfitting. As well, a comprehensive analysis shows that refined depth maps & albedos produce superior AIC metrics and enjoy better predictive accuracy than with literature methods. The results indicate that the new method is a promising means for depth-map & albedo estimation with superior information-theoretic performance.
© (2015) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Adam P. Harrison and Dileepan Joseph "Depth-map and albedo estimation with superior information-theoretic performance", Proc. SPIE 9405, Image Processing: Machine Vision Applications VIII, 94050C (27 February 2015);
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Picosecond phenomena

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