16 April 1996 Genetic algorithms applied to Fourier-descriptor-based geometric models for anatomical object recognition in medical images
Kostas Delibasis, Peter E. Undrill, George G. Cameron
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In this work we encode the shape complexity of a search object using 3D Fourier descriptors (FDs) and allow genetic algorithms (GAs) to optimize the object's shape and position. Using magnetic resonance image (MRI) data, we perform an approximate segmentation on one lateral ventricle in the brain and use the FDs from this as seeding values for the GAs to search for the left and right lateral ventricles in subsequent 3D data sets. We show that the method is capable of coping with normal biological variation. We compare a GA-guided segmentation with an interactive region growing method and find an agreement of not less than 80 plus or minus 6% in voxel classification with a corresponding average edge placement error of 2.2 plus or minus 0.4 mm. Finally we examine how the optimization can be speeded up by a distributed parallel implementation.
© (1996) COPYRIGHT Society of Photo-Optical Instrumentation Engineers (SPIE). Downloading of the abstract is permitted for personal use only.
Kostas Delibasis, Peter E. Undrill, and George G. Cameron "Genetic algorithms applied to Fourier-descriptor-based geometric models for anatomical object recognition in medical images", Proc. SPIE 2710, Medical Imaging 1996: Image Processing, (16 April 1996); Logo
Cited by 8 scholarly publications.
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Image segmentation

3D image processing

Genetic algorithms

3D modeling

Medical imaging

Data modeling

Magnetic resonance imaging

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