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Model-Based Collaborative Personalized Recommendation on Signed Social Rating Networks

Published:09 July 2016Publication History
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Recommendation on signed social rating networks is studied through an innovative approach. Bayesian probabilistic modeling is used to postulate a realistic generative process, wherein user and item interactions are explained by latent factors, whose relevance varies within the underlying network organization into user communities and item groups. Approximate posterior inference captures distrust propagation and drives Gibbs sampling to allow rating and (dis)trust prediction for recommendation along with the unsupervised exploratory analysis of network organization. Comparative experiments reveal the superiority of our approach in rating and link prediction on Epinions and Ciao, besides community quality and recommendation sensitivity to network organization.

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  1. Model-Based Collaborative Personalized Recommendation on Signed Social Rating Networks



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                ACM Transactions on Internet Technology  Volume 16, Issue 3
                August 2016
                156 pages
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                Publication History

                • Published: 9 July 2016
                • Accepted: 1 April 2016
                • Revised: 1 March 2016
                • Received: 1 November 2015
                Published in toit Volume 16, Issue 3


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