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MGAAttack: Toward More Query-efficient Black-box Attack by Microbial Genetic Algorithm

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Published:12 October 2020Publication History


Recent studies have shown that deep neural networks (DNNs) are susceptible to adversarial attacks even in the black-box settings. However, previous studies on creating black-box based adversarial examples by merely solving the traditional continuous problem, which suffer query efficiency issues. To address the efficiency of querying in black-box attack, we propose a novel attack, called MGAAttack, which is a query-efficient and gradient-free black-box attack without obtaining any knowledge of the target model. In our approach, we leverage the advantages of both transfer-based and scored-based methods, two typical techniques in black-box attack, and solve a discretized problem by using a simple yet effective microbial genetic algorithm (MGA). Experimental results show that our approach dramatically reduces the number of queries on CIFAR-10 and ImageNet and significantly outperforms previous work. In the untargeted attack, we can attack a VGG19 classifier with only 16 queries and give an attack success rate more than 99.90% on ImageNet. Our code is available at

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  1. MGAAttack: Toward More Query-efficient Black-box Attack by Microbial Genetic Algorithm



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