Carnegie Mellon University
ngisolfi_phd_ri_2022.pdf (9.48 MB)

Model-Centric Verification of Artificial Intelligence

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posted on 2022-05-19, 20:28 authored by Nicholas Gisolfi

This work shows how provable guarantees can be used to supplement probabilistic estimates in the context of Arti?cial Intelligence (AI) systems. Statistical techniques measure the expected performance of a model, but low error rates say nothing about the ways in which errors manifest. Formal veri?cation of model adherence to design speci?cations can yield certi?cates which explicitly detail the operational conditions under which violations occur. These certi?-

cates enable developers and users of AI systems to reason about their trained models in contractual terms, eliminating the chance that otherwise easily preventable harm be in

icted due to an unforeseen fault leading to model failure.

As an illustration of this concept, we present our veri?cation pipeline named Tree Ensemble Accreditor (TEA). TEA leverages our novel Boolean Satis?ability (SAT) formalism for voting tree ensemble models for classi?cation tasks.

Our formalism yields disruptive speed gains over related tree ensemble veri?cation techniques. The efficiency of TEA allows us to verify harder speci?cations on models of larger scales than reported in literature. In a radiation safety context, we show how Local Adversarial Robustness

(LAR) of trained models on validation data points can be incorporated into the model selection  rocess. We explore the relationship between prediction outcome and model robustness, allowing us to yield the de?nition of LAR that

best satis?es the engineering desiderata that the model should be robust only when it makes correct predictions.

In an algorithmic fairness context, we show how Global Individual Fairness (GIF) can be tested, both in and out of data support. When the model violates the GIF speci?cation, we enumerate all counterexamples to the formula so we

may reveal the structure of unfairness that is absorbed by the model during training. In a clinical context, we show how a Safety-Paramount Engineering Constraint (SPEC) can be satis?ed simply by tuning the prediction threshold of the

tree ensemble. This facilitates a pareto-optimal selection of prediction threshold such that false positives cannot be reduced further without compromising safety of the system.

The goal of this thesis is to investigate if formal veri?cation of trained models can answer a wide range of existing questions about real-world systems. Our methods are meant for those who are ultimately responsible for ensuring the safe operation of AI in their particular context. By expanding current practice in Veri?cation and Validation (V&V) for trained tree ensembles, we hope to increase real-world adoption of AI systems.




Degree Type

  • Dissertation


  • Robotics Institute

Degree Name

  • Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)


Artur Dubrawski

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