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Home > Published Issues > 2018 > Volume 13, No. 7, July 2018 >
F-EEAODV: Fuzzy Based Energy Efficient Reactive Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks
Pushpender Sarao
Hyderabad Institute of Technology and Management, Hyderabad-501401, India
Abstract—Wireless ad-hoc networks are the self organizable, self-maintained and ad-hoc by nature. Due to high mobility of nodes, the energy of a node is most important parameter in respect of network lifetime.. Routing in such a network is a big challenge.In this paper, we have proposed a fuzzy based scheme for enhancing the efficiency of AODV in wireless ad-hoc networks. Next hop selection is performed on the basis of node energy, its neighbour node enrgy, node degree. Thus next hop selection is taken by considering a number of parameters including number of hops. As we are considering energy based parameters for next hop selection, the lifetime of nodes and network is improved. Each node is embedded with a fuzzy controller system through which output parameter chance is calculated. Based on this chance value next hop selection is carried out.We have compared the proposed routing protocol F-EEAODV with AODV, DSR, and DSDV routing protocols. Simulation work is carried out using NS-2. The simulation results taken by NS-2 shows that our proposed scheme outperforms as compared to AODV in respect of throughput, end-to-end delay, propagation delay.
Index Terms—F-EEAODV, DSDV, AODV, Node degree, NN Energy, fuzzy rules, E2E delay, propagation delay.
Cite: Pushpender Sarao " F-EEAODV: Fuzzy Based Energy Efficient Reactive Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 350-356, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.7.350-356
Index Terms—F-EEAODV, DSDV, AODV, Node degree, NN Energy, fuzzy rules, E2E delay, propagation delay.
Cite: Pushpender Sarao " F-EEAODV: Fuzzy Based Energy Efficient Reactive Routing Protocol in Wireless Ad-hoc Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 13, no. 7, pp. 350-356, 2018. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.13.7.350-356