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Home > Published Issues > 2013 > Volume 8, No. 10, October 2013 >
Optimization and Implementation for the Modified DFT Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation System
Abstract—The modified Discrete Fourier Transform (MDFT) filter bank is a Nearly Perfect Reconstruction (NPR) system based on pseudo-QMF filter bank. In this paper, we introduce an optimized algorithm to implement the MDFT filter bank based multicarrier modulation system. The system based on this optimization algorithm has the low error rate and system delay. To verify the designed system we have compared the MDFT multicarrier modulation system with the OFDM modulation system. The results show that at high speed communication the data error rate in the MDFT filter bank multicarrier modulation system is clear improved in comparison with OFDM systems.
Index Terms—MDFT filter bank, NPR, Error rate, Optimization algorithm
Cite: Guangyu Wang, Weiwei Zhang, Kai Shao, and Ling Zhuang, "Optimization and Implementation for the Modified DFT Filter Bank Multicarrier Modulation System," Journal of Communications, vol. 8, no. 10, pp. 651-657, 2013. doi: 10.12720/jcm.8.10.651-657