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MRED: An Algorithm to Insure High QoS in IP Networks

El-Bahlul Fgee 1, Adel Smeda 2, and Khadija AbouElgaseem 3
1. Department of Computer Science, High Institute of Vocational Studies, Yafren, Libya
2. Department of Data Analysis, Faculty of Accounting, UniversityAl-Jabal Al-Gharbi, Gharian, Libya
3. Department of Computer Science School of Basic Sciences, Libyan Academy, Trpoli, Libya

Abstract—Today’s computer networks support only best-effort service, yet future packet networks will have to support real-time communication services that allow clients to transport information with performance guarantees expressed in terms of delay, delay jitter throughput, and loss rate. Random Early Detection (RED) algorithm is one of the scheduling mechanisms used in IP network. RED is an active queue management scheme that randomly drops packets whenever congestion occurs that results in dropping traffic flow packets that are sensitive to loss. This results in QoS degradation. However, Quality of Service (QoS) is a major factor for a successful business in modern and future network services. In this article, the RED algorithm is modified in order to minimize the packet loss of sensitive traffic flows. Evaluation of the proposed enhancement of the RED algorithm is tested using the Network Simulator (NS-2). Then these results are compared with the current RED algorithm. The proposed model shows ten improvements in QoS of sensitive traffic flows.
Index Terms—QoS, RED, MRED, packet loss

Cite: El-Bahlul Fgee, Adel Smeda, and Khadija AbouElgaseem, "MRED: An Algorithm to Insure High QoS in IP Networks," Journal of Communications, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 200-206, 2017. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.12.4.200-206