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Reliable Compression Route Protocol for Mobile Crowd Sensing (RCR-MSC)

Mohammed Ridha Nsaif, Ali S. A. Al-Haboobi, Furkan Rabee, and Farah A. Alasadi
Computer Science department /faculty of computer science and mathematics /University of Kufa/Iraq

Abstract—According to previous research in Mobile Crowd Sensing (MCS), we have two main challenges to attracting subscribers, the first is energy consumption and the second is the cost of data transmission. In this paper, we suggested framework to control on the this problem and reduce it as soon as possible, the proposed work consisted of aggregator users and target users, where the tasks performed by the aggregator user is to sense the data from the environment ( using Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and IR, compress data…et), compress the data, select secure level, and create a transfer path protocol called "Multi-three way handshake protocol" , where this protocol responsible for transferring the data to the target user without uploading it to the data center server. When the data reached the target users, he will uploade it to the data center server by using Wi-Fi or 3G communication (via piggyback) with free cost. This paper presented a novel Reliable Compression Route protocol for Mobile Crowd Sensing (RCR-MSC), which reduces power consumption and cost of data transmission with multiple level of processes. As well as the present an equation which exposed the energy consumption by this Protocol. After many calculation and experiments procedures ,the result proved improvement performance of work compared to other articles.

Index Terms—Wireless sensor network, Mobile crowd sensing, three-way handshaking.

Cite: Mohammed Ridha Nsaif, Ali S. A. Al-Haboobi, Furkan Rabee, and Farah A. Alasadi, " Reliable Compression Route Protocol for Mobile Crowd Sensing (RCR-MSC)," Journal of Communications, vol. 14, no. 3, pp. 170-178, 2019. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.14.3.170-178.