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Improvement of OLSR Protocol Using the Hello Message Scheme Based on Neighbors Mobility

Halim Berradi, Ahmed Habbani, Nada Mouchfiq, and Mohammed Souidi
SSL LAB, ENSIAS, University of Mohammed V, Rabat, Morocco

Abstract—The main idea behind the routing protocols based on multi-hop is to find the required path from the source node to the destination. Since those protocols do not consider the node mobility in their mechanism, we propose to enhance the routing protocols benefiting from localization node and predict the time needed for neighbors to go out of range for a node to increase the robustness of the protocols with the mobility. Firstly, we propose an efficient scheme to predict the time needed for the node to quite the neighbor range. Secondly, we conduct a set of simulations to compare the performance of our proposal against OLSR standard.

Index Terms—IoT, MANET, mobility, spatial dependency, smart environment, Manet, OLSR

Cite: Halim Berradi, Ahmed Habbani, Nada Mouchfiq, and Mohammed Souidi, "Improvement of OLSR Protocol Using the Hello Message Scheme Based on Neighbors Mobility," Journal of Communications vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 551-557, July 2020. Doi: 10.12720/jcm.15.7.551-557

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