Data visualisation using augmented reality for education system
by Sumit Arun Hirve; CH. Pradeep Reddy
International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology (IJCAT), Vol. 68, No. 3, 2022
Abstract: Data is present in abundance in the present world whether it is education, e-commerce, defence and many other sectors of the nation but the actual benefit arises when information is extracted from such huge data which can be used in educational, scientific, commercial fields. Data visualisation to plays an important role in understanding what exactly the data is while processing it and inferring results out of it. Students being the building and budding blocks of the nation at a very ripe age are exposed to abundant data so the paper is focused on improving the educational system so that students can get a proper understanding of concepts by visualising the matter at hand. The main objective of the paper lies in innovating educational technology by introducing augmented reality in the data visualisation process.
Online publication date: Thu, 18-Aug-2022
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