Research on the construction of an E-commerce Valley industry-education integration platform
by Juyan Che; Jiangjun Yuan; Jie Wang; Jiawen Shi; Weinan Liu
International Journal of Computing Science and Mathematics (IJCSM), Vol. 16, No. 1, 2022
Abstract: In response to the national strategies of "the one hand initiative" and "the Belt and Road Initiative", Hangzhou's development strategy of building an international e-commerce center has been advanced. The "E-commerce Valley" project is a smart building system with a variety of applications of IoT. With the development of IoT applications, WSN develops quickly. WSN is usually deployed in outdoor spaces, which makes the security of network transmission more important. In this paper, we discuss how to reduce the computing efficiency of aggregators in data aggregation applications. The traditional way to implement this method is to use the for-loop process. The computational performance of this method has not lived up to expectations. We use the built-in sum function instead of the for-loop to implement the protocol. Through two experiments, we conclude that the implementation scheme using the sum function has better computational performance.
Online publication date: Mon, 07-Nov-2022
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