A nonlinear two dimensional logistic-tent map for secure image communication
by Sujarani Rajendran; Manivannan Doraipandian
International Journal of Information and Computer Security (IJICS), Vol. 10, No. 2/3, 2018
Abstract: In recent technology development, images are playing a vital role in different applications such as social network, biometrics, medical, military and satellite fields. It is essential to protect these images from intruders during transmission on insecure networks. This paper proposes a new chaotic map for image cryptosystem by combining tent map and 2D logistic map in different form. The proposed 2D Logistic-Tent map (2DLT) generates two chaotic series. These chaotic series are used to perform the confusion and diffusion phases of image cryptosystem. A comparison between existing standard 2D logistic map and proposed 2D logistic-tent map shows that the proposed map has high random chaotic series than the existing one. In order to evaluate the strength of the proposed image cryptosystem, the developed chaos cryptosystem was subjected to different analysis such as differential, key size and sensitivity, chosen plain text and cipher text attack analyses. All the analysed results proved that the proposed cipher has good security level and can be used for different secure image communication applications.
Online publication date: Tue, 01-May-2018
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