Online learning usage and performance among students within public universities in Yemen
by Adnan H. Aldholay; Zaini Abdullah; T. Ramayah; Osama Isaac; Ahmed M. Mutahar
International Journal of Services and Standards (IJSS), Vol. 12, No. 2, 2018
Abstract: As information and communication technology (ICT) is making the leap to transform all aspects of life, online learning has become widely viewed as the future of education. Because Yemen is lagging behind in the adoption of ICT, being faced with many challenges, limited resources, weak infrastructure, and a high student population, the focus of this research will be on Yemeni Institutes of Higher Education and the role that online learning can play in Yemen. This conceptual paper extends the DeLone & McLean information system success model (DMISM) to create a comprehensive model that comprises five main antecedents as independent variables (namely technological, task, individual, social, and organisational characteristics) with actual usage, user satisfaction and cognitive absorption as mediating variables, and performance impact as a dependent variable. The anticipated findings will provide a guideline for both policymakers and university management. The theoretical and practical implications are also discussed.
Online publication date: Fri, 18-May-2018
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