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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) April 28, 2015

Guidance of AUVs for Autonomous Underwater Inspection

Führung von AUVs für autonome Unterwasserinspektionen
  • Marco Jacobi

    Scientific associate at the Advanced System Technology Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB in Ilmenau. Main research areas: Guidance algorithms for UUVs for inspection of underwater structures. Design, implementation and evaluation of algorithms. Development of software environments for guidance and control of UUVs and their simulation.

    Advanced System Technology (AST) Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB, Am Vogelherd 50, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany

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    and Divas Karimanzira

    Scientific associate at the Advanced System Technology Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB in Ilmenau. Main research areas: Development and optimization of algorithms for UUVs and decision support systems of water management systems for mega-cities and water cascades.

    Advanced System Technology (AST) Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB, Am Vogelherd 50, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany


In this paper, a task-based online path-planning and guidance system of underactuated unmanned underwater vehicles (UUVs) for inspection of underwater infrastructure is described. Whether there are harbor submerged structures, cables, pipes, hydro-technical works, they all need to be checked in relation to structural deterioration specific potential problems such as scour, erosion, and accelerated local corrosion problems. At the highest level, the mission controller handles different event types, permitting also the execution of mission tasks. The online path-planning module generates a set of waypoints based on an environmental perception module for the AUV to follow the target object with a constant distance. The guidance method actually controls the vehicle to follow the waypoints, assuming the relative position and attitude of the vehicle is precisely estimated in real-time. By combining these methods, an AUV can perform fully autonomous inspection of underwater structures. The system was evaluated with success for several harbor and pipeline inspection scenarios in a test basin and sea trials.


In diesem Artikel werden ein Fahrzeugführungssystem mit Onlinepfadplanung für unteraktuierte Unbemannte Unterwasserfahrzeuge zur Inspektion von Unterwasserinfrastruktur vorgestellt. Seekabel, Pipelines, Hafenanlagen, hydrotechnische Anlagen sowie Offshore-Installationen müssen in regelmäßigen zeitlichen Abständen inspiziert werden. Dabei werden diese technischen Anlagen auf Kolkungen, Erosion und Korrosion überprüft. Das vorgestellte Fahrzeugführungssystem besteht aus mehreren Ebenen: einer Mission Control auf oberster Ebene, die auf Basis verschiedener Ereignisse die Durchführung der Missionsaufgaben ermöglicht, einer Online-Pfadplanung, welche einen Satz von Wegpunkten zur Objektverfolgung auf Basis der Umweltwahrnehmung des AUVs erstellt, sowie auf unterster Ebene, einem Regler zur Ansteuerung der vorgegebenen Wegpunkte. Durch die Kombination der hier vorgestellten Methoden können Unterwasserstrukturen völlig autonom inspiziert werden. Das System wurde mit Erfolg bei mehreren Hafen- und Pipelineinspektionsszenarien getestet.

About the authors

Marco Jacobi

Scientific associate at the Advanced System Technology Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB in Ilmenau. Main research areas: Guidance algorithms for UUVs for inspection of underwater structures. Design, implementation and evaluation of algorithms. Development of software environments for guidance and control of UUVs and their simulation.

Advanced System Technology (AST) Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB, Am Vogelherd 50, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany

Divas Karimanzira

Scientific associate at the Advanced System Technology Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB in Ilmenau. Main research areas: Development and optimization of algorithms for UUVs and decision support systems of water management systems for mega-cities and water cascades.

Advanced System Technology (AST) Branch of Fraunhofer IOSB, Am Vogelherd 50, 98693 Ilmenau, Germany


The research work was funded by the German Ministry for Economics and Technology/Energy under the projects CView and KaPiTAS with the funding numbers 03SX262 and 03SX323B. All the project partners working with us at these interesting problems.

Received: 2015-2-27
Accepted: 2015-4-13
Published Online: 2015-4-28
Published in Print: 2015-5-28

©2015 Walter de Gruyter Berlin/Boston

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