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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter (O) February 10, 2018

Infrastructure-based digital maps for connected autonomous vehicles

Infrastrukturbasierte digitale Karten für vernetzte autonome Fahrzeuge
  • Tobias Quack

    Tobias Quack is manager of the automotive group and research assistant at the institute of automatic control (IRT) at RWTH Aachen University. Main research topics: Digital maps and sensor fusion methods for automated driving.

    Institute of Automatic Control RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

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    , Michael Bösinger

    Michael Andreas Bösinger is working on innovative products based on future communication solutions at Vodafone Deutschland GmbH. As Innovation and Partner Manager at the Vodafone Innovation Park, he is also focussing on the company's 5G Mobility Lab at ATC Aldenhoven, Germany.

    Vodafone GmbH, Düsseldorf Germany

    , Frank-Josef Heßeler

    Frank-Josef Heßeler is Managing Director of the Aldenhoven Testing Center (ATC) and chief engineer at the Institute of Automatic Control (IRT) at RWTH Aachen University. Main research topics: Autonomous and connected vehicles.

    Aldenhoven Testing Center of RWTH Aachen University GmbH, Aldenhoven, Germany

    and Dirk Abel

    Dirk Abel is professor and director of the Institute of Automatic Control (IRT) at RWTH Aachen University. Main research topics: Automatic Control and Automation Engineering in general, Model Based Predictive Control, Non Linear Control, Simulation of Dynamic Systems and Rapid Control Prototyping.

    Institute of Automatic Control RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany


One major key to autonomous driving is reliable knowledge about the vehicle's surroundings. In complex situations like urban intersections, the vehicle's on-board sensors are often unable to detect and classify all features of the environment. Therefore, high-precision digital maps are widely used to provide the vehicle with additional information. In this article, we introduce a system which makes use of a mobile edge computing architecture (MEC) for computing digital maps on infrastructure-based, distributed computers. In cooperation with the mobile network operator Vodafone an LTE test field is implemented at the Aldenhoven Testing Center (ATC). The proving ground thus combines an urban crossing with the MEC capabilities of the LTE test field so that the developed methods can be tested in a realistic scenario. In the near future the LTE test field will be equipped with the new 5G mobile standard allowing for fast and reliable exchange of map and sensor data between vehicles and infrastructure.


Eine wesentliche Voraussetzung für autonomes Fahren ist die zuverlässige Umgebungserfassung eines Fahrzeuges. Insbesondere in komplexen Situationen wie städtischen Kreuzungen reichen die Informationen der fahrzeugeigenen Sensorik für ein zuverlässiges Verständnis des Umfeldes im Allgemeinen nicht aus. Daher werden häufig hochgenaue digitale Karten eingesetzt, um Fahrzeugen zusätzliche Informationen zur Verfügung zu stellen. In diesem Artikel wird ein System vorgestellt, welches eine “Mobile Edge Computing” – Architektur (MEC) nutzt, um digitale Karten auf infrastrukturbasierten, verteilten Computern zu berechnen. Zusammen mit der Telekommunikationsfirma Vodafone wird ein LTE Testfeld auf dem Aldenhoven Testing Center (ATC) implementiert, sodass dort sowohl ein innerstädtisches Kreuzungsszenario, als auch die MEC Technologie zur Verfügung stehen und die entwickelten Methoden in einem realistischen Szenario getestet werden können. Zukünftig wird das Testfeld auch über den neuen 5G Mobilfunkstandard verfügen, sodass ein schneller und sicherer Austausch von Karten- und Sensordaten zwischen Fahrzeugen und Infrastruktur ermöglicht wird.

About the authors

Tobias Quack

Tobias Quack is manager of the automotive group and research assistant at the institute of automatic control (IRT) at RWTH Aachen University. Main research topics: Digital maps and sensor fusion methods for automated driving.

Institute of Automatic Control RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Michael Bösinger

Michael Andreas Bösinger is working on innovative products based on future communication solutions at Vodafone Deutschland GmbH. As Innovation and Partner Manager at the Vodafone Innovation Park, he is also focussing on the company's 5G Mobility Lab at ATC Aldenhoven, Germany.

Vodafone GmbH, Düsseldorf Germany

Frank-Josef Heßeler

Frank-Josef Heßeler is Managing Director of the Aldenhoven Testing Center (ATC) and chief engineer at the Institute of Automatic Control (IRT) at RWTH Aachen University. Main research topics: Autonomous and connected vehicles.

Aldenhoven Testing Center of RWTH Aachen University GmbH, Aldenhoven, Germany

Dirk Abel

Dirk Abel is professor and director of the Institute of Automatic Control (IRT) at RWTH Aachen University. Main research topics: Automatic Control and Automation Engineering in general, Model Based Predictive Control, Non Linear Control, Simulation of Dynamic Systems and Rapid Control Prototyping.

Institute of Automatic Control RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany

Received: 2017-9-27
Accepted: 2017-11-16
Published Online: 2018-2-10
Published in Print: 2018-2-23

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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