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An overview of deep learning techniques

Ein Überblick über Deep-Learning-Techniken
  • Michael Vogt

    Michael Vogt received his Dr.-Ing. degree in control engineering in 2007 from Darmstadt University of Technology (TUD). From 2001–2006 he was a research associate at TUD’s Institute of Automatic Control, working on system identification and support vector machines under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Rolf Isermann. Since 2006, he has been employed as an algorithm developer and project manager at Smiths Detection in Wiesbaden, mainly engaged in the automatic evaluation of X-ray images. His areas of expertise include machine learning, numerical algorithms and related fields.

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Deep learning is the paradigm that profoundly changed the artificial intelligence landscape within only a few years. Although accompanied by a variety of algorithmic achievements, this technology is disruptive mainly from the application perspective: It considerably pushes the border of tasks that can be automated, changes the way products are developed, and is available to virtually everyone. Subject of deep learning are artificial neural networks with a large number of layers. Compared to earlier approaches with ideally a single layer, this allows using massive computational resources to train black-box models directly on raw data with a minimum of engineering work. Most successful applications are found in visual image understanding, but also in audio and text modeling.


Deep Learning ist der Ansatz, der die künstliche Intelligenz innerhalb weniger Jahre tiefgreifend verändert hat. Auch wenn sie durch verschiedene algorithmische Fortschritte begleitet wird, ist diese Technik vor allem aus Anwendungssicht „disruptiv“: Sie verschiebt die Grenze automatisierbarer Aufgaben beträchtlich, verändert die Art der Produktentwicklung und steht praktisch jedermann zur Verfügung. Gegenstand des Deep Learning sind neuronale Netze mit einer großen Anzahl von Schichten. Verglichen mit früheren Ansätzen mit idealerweise einer einzigen Schicht, erlaubt dies den Einsatz massiver Rechenhardware, um Black-Box-Modelle mit einem Minimum an Entwicklungsaufwand direkt aus Rohdaten zu trainieren. Die meisten erfolgreichen Anwendungen finden sich in der Auswertung visueller Bilder, aber auch in der Audio- und Text-Modellierung.

About the author

Michael Vogt

Michael Vogt received his Dr.-Ing. degree in control engineering in 2007 from Darmstadt University of Technology (TUD). From 2001–2006 he was a research associate at TUD’s Institute of Automatic Control, working on system identification and support vector machines under the supervision of Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dr. h.c. Rolf Isermann. Since 2006, he has been employed as an algorithm developer and project manager at Smiths Detection in Wiesbaden, mainly engaged in the automatic evaluation of X-ray images. His areas of expertise include machine learning, numerical algorithms and related fields.


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Article note

A preliminary and unreviewed version of this material has been presented at “ATZlive Driver Assistance Systems”, 18–19 April 2018, Wiesbaden, Germany.

Received: 2018-06-12
Accepted: 2018-07-13
Published Online: 2018-09-13
Published in Print: 2018-09-25

© 2018 Walter de Gruyter GmbH, Berlin/Boston

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