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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter September 6, 2013

Visualization and simulation of the human heart based on ECG

  • Anna Sochocka EMAIL logo , Tomasz Kawa and Roman Płaneta


The aim of this study was to develop a three-dimensional (3D) animation of the heart that can show its components and function using electrocardiography. Another aim of the study was to increase knowledge on computer graphics and animation as well as to create a useful educational tool that, through play, will also teach. Because the heart is one of the most important organs and a very complex one, the authors decided to create a 3D model. This article presents the current state of knowledge in the use of computer-generated models of the human heart as a learning aid and for creating simulation. The authors describe the tools used to implement the program and sources that were used for modeling the heart. The result is presented in the form of descriptions and screenshots on how to use the program. At the end of the article, a description is placed of further developments that will be applied to the program.

Corresponding author: Anna Sochocka, Faculty of Physics, Department of Game Technology, Astronomy and Applied Computer Science, Jagiellonian University, Reymonta 4, 30-059 Cracow, Poland


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Received: 2013-3-14
Accepted: 2013-7-25
Published Online: 2013-09-06
Published in Print: 2013-09-01

©2013 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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