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Licensed Unlicensed Requires Authentication Published by De Gruyter November 29, 2013

Noise as a useful signal within the nervous system in neurorehabilitation

  • Emilia Mikołajewska EMAIL logo and Dariusz Mikołajewski


The nervous system is one of the most complex known dynamical systems; thus, its disorders are among the most severe. Scientists and clinicians look for the best possible methods allowing for comprehensive understanding and for reliable assessment and treatment of human nervous system disorders. Noise may be perceived as a useful control signal for particular nervous system functions, including further development of neurorehabilitation and clinical applications of brain-computer interfaces (BCIs), neuroprostheses (NPs), deep brain stimulation (DBS), etc. The awareness of associated chances and limitations allow for the wise planning and management of further clinical practice, especially in the area of long-term neurorehabilitation and care. This article aims at investigating the extent to which the available knowledge and experience may be identified and utilized, including potential future applications.

Corresponding author: Emilia Mikołajewska, PhD, Rehabilitation Clinic, The 10th Military Clinical Hospital with Polyclinic, Powstańców Warszawy 5, 85-681 Bydgoszcz, Poland, E-mail:


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Received: 2013-8-11
Accepted: 2013-10-2
Published Online: 2013-11-29
Published in Print: 2013-12-01

©2013 by Walter de Gruyter Berlin Boston

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