IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Regression-Based Channel Capacity for the Evaluation of 2×2 MIMO Antennas
Kazuhiro HONDATakeshi KITAMURAKun LIKoichi OGAWA
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2017 Volume E100.B Issue 2 Pages 323-335


A simple but efficient method for evaluating the channel capacity of 2×2 multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) antenna systems is proposed. First, the channel capacity of a half-wavelength dipole array antenna is calculated using the Monte Carlo method by changing the incident-wave signal-to-noise power ratio, the power difference between two elements, and the correlation coefficient. Using the calculated results, a polynomial function is derived by multivariate regression analysis to estimate the channel capacity. The validity of the developed function is confirmed by comparing the channel capacity estimated by the developed function with that calculated by the Monte Carlo method using a MIMO array antenna operated under various scenarios, including antenna-human body electromagnetic interactions and radio-wave propagation environments, for future MIMO systems. The function is also validated by means of two experimental approaches: the use of radiation patterns measured in an anechoic chamber and the use of a spatial fading emulator that can create a two-dimensional fading environment.

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