IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Distributed Transmission for Secure Wireless Links Based on a Secret-Sharing Method
Masaaki YAMANAKAShenCong WEIJingbo ZOUShuichi OHNOShinichi MIYAMOTOSeiichi SAMPEI
Author information

2019 Volume E102.B Issue 12 Pages 2286-2296


This paper proposes a secure distributed transmission method that establishes multiple transmission routes in space to a destination. In the method, the transmitted information is divided into pieces of information by a secret-sharing method, and the generated pieces are separately transmitted to the destination through different transmission routes using individually-controlled antenna directivities. As the secret-sharing method can divide the transmitted information into pieces in such a manner that nothing about the original information is revealed unless all the divided pieces are obtained, the secrecy of the transmitted information is greatly improved from an information-theoretic basis. However, one problem is that it does not perform well in the vicinity around the receiver. This is due to the characteristics of distributed transmission that all distributed pieces of information must eventually gather at the destination; an eavesdropper can obtain the necessary pieces to reconstruct the original information. Then, this paper expands the distributed transmission method into a two-way communication scheme. By adopting the distributed transmission in both communication directions, a secure link can be provided as a feedback channel to enhance the secrecy of the transmitted information. The generation of the shared pieces of information is given with signal forms, and the secrecy of the proposed method is evaluated based on the signal transmission error rates as determined by computer simulation.

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© 2019 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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