IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Image Enhancement in 26GHz-Band 1-Bit Direct Digital RF Transmitter Using Manchester Coding
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2021 Volume E104.B Issue 6 Pages 654-663


In this paper, we propose a direct digital RF transmitter with a 1-bit band-pass delta-sigma modulator (BP-DSM) that uses high order image components of the 7th Nyquist zone in Manchester coding for microwave and milimeter wave application. Compared to the conventional non-return-to-zero (NRZ) coding, in which the high order image components of 1-bit BP-DSM attenuate severely in the form of sinc function, the proposed 1-bit direct digital RF transmitter in Manchester code can improve the output power and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) of the image components at specific (4n-1)th and (4n-2)th Nyquist Zone, which is confirmed by calculating of the power spectral density. Measurements are made to compare three types of 1-bit digital-to-analog converter (DAC) signal in output power and SNR; NRZ, 50% duty return-to-zero (RZ) and Manchester coding. By using 1 Vpp/8Gbps DAC output, 1-bit signals in Manchester coding show the highest output power of -20.3dBm and SNR of 40.3dB at 7th Nyquist Zone (26GHz) in CW condition. As a result, compared to NRZ and RZ coding, at 7th Nyquist zone, the output power is improved by 8.1dB and 6dB, respectively. Meanwhile, the SNR is improved by 7.6dB and 4.9dB, respectively. In 5Mbps-QPSK condition, 1-bit signals in Manchester code show the lowest error vector magnitude (EVM) of 2.4% and the highest adjacent channel leakage ratio (ACLR) of 38.2dB with the highest output power of -18.5dBm at 7th Nyquist Zone (26GHz), respectively, compared to the NRZ and 50% duty RZ coding. The measurement and simulation results of the image component of 1-bit signals at 7th Nyquist Zone (26GHz) are consistent with the calculation results.

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© 2021 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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