IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
RIS-Aided Cell-Free MIMO System: Perfect and Imperfect CSI Design for Energy Efficiency
Zhiwei SIHaibin WANTuanfa QINZhengqiang WANG
Author information

2023 Volume E106.B Issue 10 Pages 928-937


Thanks to the development of the 6th generation mobile network that makes it possible for us to move towards an intelligent ubiquitous information society, among which some novel technologies represented by cell-free network has also attracted widespread academic attention. Cell-free network has brought distinguished gains to the network capacity with its strong ability against inter-cell interference. Unfortunately, further improvement demands more base stations (BSs) to be settled, which incurs steep cost increase. To address this issue, reconfigurable intelligent surface (RIS) with low cost and power consumption is introduced in this paper to replace some of the trivial BSs in the system, then, a RIS-aided cell-free network paradigm is formulated. Our objective is to solve the weighted sum-rate (WSR) maximization problem by jointly optimizing the beamforming design at BSs and the phase shift of RISs. Due to the non-convexity of the formulated problem, this paper investigates a joint optimizing scheme based on block coordinate descent (BCD) method. Subsequently, on account of the majority of the precious work reposed perfect channel state information (CSI) setup for the ultimate performance, this paper also extends the proposed algorithm to the case wherein CSI is imperfect by utilizing successive convex approximation (SCA). Finally, simulation results demonstrate that the proposed scheme shows great performance and robustness in perfect CSI scenario as well as the imperfect ones.

References (26)
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