IEICE Transactions on Communications
Online ISSN : 1745-1345
Print ISSN : 0916-8516
Regular Section
Energy Efficiency Based Multi Service Heterogeneous Access Network Selection Algorithm
Meng-Yuan HELing-Yun JIANG
Author information

2023 Volume E106.B Issue 10 Pages 881-890


In the current heterogeneous wireless communication system, the sharp rise in energy consumption and the emergence of new service types pose great challenges to nowadays radio access network selection algorithms which do not take care of these new trends. So the proposed energy efficiency based multi-service heterogeneous access network selection algorithm-ESRS (Energy Saving Radio access network Selection) is intended to reduce the energy consumption caused by the traffic in the mobile network system composed of Base Stations (BSs) and Access Points (APs). This algorithm models the access network selection problem as a Multiple-Attribute Decision-Making (MADM) problem. To solve this problem, lots of methods are combined, including analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP), weighted grey relational analysis (GRA), entropy theory, simple additive weight (SAW), and utility function theory. There are two main steps in this algorithm. At first, the proposed algorithm gets the result of the user QoS of each network by dealing with the related QoS parameters, in which entropy theory and AHP are used to determine the QoS comprehensive weight, and the SAW is used to get each network's QoS. In addition to user QoS, parameters including user throughput, energy consumption utility and cost utility are also calculated in this step. In the second step, the fuzzy theory is used to define the weight of decision attributes, and weighted grey relational analysis (GRA) is used to calculate the network score, which determines the final choice. Because the fuzzy weight has a preference for the low energy consumption, the energy consumption of the traffic will be saved by choosing the network with the least energy consumption as much as possible. The simulation parts compared the performance of ESRS, ABE and MSNS algorithms. The numerical results show that ESRS algorithm can select the appropriate network based on the service demands and network parameters. Besides, it can effectively reduce the system energy consumption and overall cost while still maintaining a high overall QoS value and a high system throughput, when compared with the other two algorithms.

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