IEICE Transactions on Electronics
Online ISSN : 1745-1353
Print ISSN : 0916-8524
Special Section on Recent Progress in Organic Molecular Electronics and Biotechnology
Organic Thin Film-Assisted Copper Electroless Plating on Flat/Microstructured Silicone Substrates
Tomoya SATONarendra SINGHRoland HÖNESChihiro URATAYasutaka MATSUOAtsushi HOZUMI
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2019 Volume E102.C Issue 2 Pages 147-150


Copper (Cu) electroless plating was conducted on planar and microstructured polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) substrates. In this study, organic thin films terminated with nitrogen (N)-containing groups, e.g. poly (dimethylaminoethyl methacrylate) brush (PDMAEMA), aminopropyl trimethoxysilane monolayer (APTES), and polydopamine (PDA) were used to anchor palladium (Pd) catalyst. While electroless plating was successfully promoted on all sample surfaces, PDMAEMA was found to achieve the best adhesion strength to the PDMS surfaces, compared to APTES- and PDA-covered PDMS substrates, due to covalent bonding, anchoring effects of polymer chains as well as high affinity of N atoms to Pd species. Our process was also successfully applied to the electroless plating of microstructured PDMS substrates.

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