2020 Volume E103.A Issue 1 Pages 150-164
Let us consider a situation where someone wants to encrypt his/her will on an existing blockchain, e.g. Bitcoin, and allow an encrypted will to be decryptable only if designated members work together. At a first glance, such a property seems to be easily provided by using conventional threshold encryption. However, this idea cannot be straightforwardly implemented since key pairs for an encryption mechanism is additionally required. In this paper, we propose a new threshold encryption scheme in which key pairs for ECDSA that are already used in the Bitcoin protocol can be directly used as they are. Namely, a unique key pair can be simultaneously used for both ECDSA and our threshold encryption scheme without losing security. Furthermore, we implemented our scheme on the Bitcoin regtest network, and show that it is fairly practical. For example, the execution time of the encryption algorithm Enc (resp., the threshold decryption algorithm Dec) is 0.2sec. (resp., 0.3sec.), and the total time is just only 3sec. including all the cryptographic processes and network communications for a typical parameter setting. Also, we discuss several applications of our threshold encryption scheme in detail: Claiming priority of intellectual property, sealed-bid auction, lottery, and coin tossing service.