IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Special Section on Computational Intelligence and Big Data for Scientific and Technological Resources and Services
Scientific and Technological Resource Sharing Model Based on Few-Shot Relational Learning
Yangshengyan LIUFu GUYangjian JIYijie WUJianfeng GUOXinjian GUJin ZHANG
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2021 Volume E104.D Issue 8 Pages 1302-1312


Resource sharing is to ensure required resources available for their demanders. However, due to the lack of proper sharing model, the current sharing rate of the scientific and technological resources is low, impeding technological innovation and value chain development. Here we propose a novel method to share scientific and technological resources by storing resources as nodes and correlations as links to form a complex network. We present a few-shot relational learning model to solve the cold-start and long-tail problems that are induced by newly added resources. Experimentally, using NELL-One and Wiki-One datasets, our one-shot results outperform the baseline framework - metaR by 40.2% and 4.1% on MRR in Pre-Train setting. We also show two practical applications, a resource graph and a resource map, to demonstrate how the complex network helps resource sharing.

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© 2021 The Institute of Electronics, Information and Communication Engineers
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