IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
An Efficient Resource Shared RISC-V Multicore Architecture
Md Ashraful ISLAMKenji KISE
Author information

2022 Volume E105.D Issue 9 Pages 1506-1515


For the increasing demands of computation, heterogeneous multicore architecture is believed to be a promising solution to fulfill the edge computational requirement. In FPGAs, the heterogeneous multicore is realized as multiple soft processor cores with custom processing elements. Since FPGA is a resource-constrained device, sharing the hardware resources among the soft processor cores can be advantageous. A few research works have focused on the resource sharing between soft processors, but they do not study how much FPGA logic is minimized for a different pipeline processor. This paper proposes the microarchitecture of four, and five stage pipeline processors that enables the sharing of functional units for execution among the multiple cores as well as sharing the BRAM ports. We then investigate the performance and hardware resource utilization for a four-core processor. We find that sharing different functional units can save the LUT usage to 31.7% and DSP usage to 75%. We analyze the performance impact of sharing from the simulation of the Embench benchmark program. Our simulation results indicate that for some cases the sharing improves the performance and for other configurations worst-case performance drop is 16.7%.

References (36)
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