IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems
Online ISSN : 1745-1361
Print ISSN : 0916-8532
Regular Section
Local Binary Convolution Based Prior Knowledge of Multi-Direction Features for Finger Vein Verification
Huijie ZHANGLing LU
Author information

2023 Volume E106.D Issue 5 Pages 1089-1093


The finger-vein-based deep neural network authentication system has been applied widely in real scenarios, such as countries' banking and entrance guard systems. However, to ensure performance, the deep neural network should train many parameters, which needs lots of time and computing resources. This paper proposes a method that introduces artificial features with prior knowledge into the convolution layer. First, it designs a multi-direction pattern base on the traditional local binary pattern, which extracts general spatial information and also reduces the spatial dimension. Then, establishes a sample effective deep convolutional neural network via combination with convolution, with the ability to extract deeper finger vein features. Finally, trains the model with a composite loss function to increase the inter-class distance and reduce the intra-class distance. Experiments show that the proposed methods achieve a good performance of higher stability and accuracy of finger vein recognition.

References (21)
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