Soft Pipe Inspection Robot with Vibrating Cilia Capable of Underwater Transport
Moses Gladson Selvamuthu
, Ryuto Okada, and Riichiro Tadakuma

Yamagata University
4-3-16 Jonan, Yonezawa, Yamagata 992-8510, Japan
The maintenance and inspection of pipelines are crucial in various industries, including oil and gas, water supply, and sewage systems. Traditional methods often involve significant human labor, risks, and costs. Inspired by biological systems, soft robotics offers innovative solutions with the potential to navigate complex and confined environments. This study discusses the development of soft pipe inspection robots equipped with vibration cilia for enhanced mobility and inspection capabilities. The cilia are driven by a vibration motor that can generate controlled vibrations for propulsion. The coordinated movement of the cilia allows the robot to navigate vertically or through complex pipe networks. A notable advancement in this study is the robot’s capability to move under water, which thereby enables its locomotion across stagnant water in pipes. This study also discusses the basic design, modeling, performance analysis, and waterproof compactability verified through experiments. Its flexible design and bio-inspired locomotion offer a safer, more efficient, and cost-effective solution for maintaining vital pipeline infrastructure.

Soft underwater robot with vibrating cilia
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