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Journal of Data Intelligence  ISSN: 2577-610X      published since 2020
Vol.2 No.4   December 2021 

Sentiment Mining and Analysis over Text Corpora via Complex Deep Learning Neural Architectures (pp448-461)
 Teresa Alcamo, Alfredo Cuzzocrea, Giovanni Pilato, and Daniele Schicchi

Abstracts: We analyze and compare five deep-learning neural architectures to manage the problem of irony and sarcasm detection for the Italian language. We briefly analyze the model architectures to choose the best compromise between performances and complexity. The obtained results show the effectiveness of such systems to handle the problem by achieving 93\% of F1-Score in the best case. As a case study, we also illustrate a possible embedding of the neural systems in a cloud computing infrastructure to exploit the computational advantage of using such an approach in tackling big data.
Key words:
Sentiment Mining; Sentiment Analysis; Text Corpora; Deep Learning; Neural Architectures; Complex Architectures