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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.3 No.4, July 2003

Universal compression of ergodic quantum sources (pp359-375)
        A. Kaltchenko and E.-H. Yang
doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC3.4-5

Abstracts: For a real number r>0, let F(r) be the family of all stationary ergodic quantum sources with von Neumann entropy rates less than r. We prove that, for any r>0, there exists a blind, source-independent block compression scheme which compresses every source from F(r) to rn qubits per input block length~n with arbitrarily high fidelity for all large n.}As our second result, we show that the stationarity and the ergodicity of a quantum source \rho_m_{m=1}^{\infty} are preserved by any trace-preserving completely positive linear map of the tensor product form {\cal E}^{\otimes m}, where a copy of {\cal E} acts locally on each spin lattice site. We also establish ergodicity criteria for so called classically-correlated quantum sources. 
Key words:  universal quantum data compression, source coding, block codes, ergodicity

