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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.3 No.6 November 2003

Proposal for realization of a Toffoli gate via cavity-assisted atomic collision (pp603-610)
        H. Ollivier and P. Milman

doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC3.6-3

Abstracts: Cavity QED is a versatile tool to explore small scale quantum information processing. Within this setting, we describe a particular protocol for implementing a Toffoli gate with Rydberg atoms and a cavity field. Our scheme uses both resonant and non resonant interactions, and in particular a cavity assisted atomic collision. The experimental feasibility of the protocol is carefully analyzed with the help of numerical simulations and takes into account the decoherence process. Moreover, we show that our protocol is optimal within the constraints imposed by the experimental setting.
Key words: cavity QED, cavity-assisted atomic collision, Toffoli gate

