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Quantum Information and Computation     ISSN: 1533-7146      published since 2001
Vol.3 No.6 November 2003

An observable measure of entanglement for pure states of multi-qubit systems (pp619-626)
        G. Brennen

doi: https://doi.org/10.26421/QIC3.6-5

Abstracts: Recently, Meyer and Wallach [Meyer and Wallach (2002), J. of Math. Phys., 43, pp. 4273] proposed a measure of multi-qubit entanglement that is a function on pure states. We find that this function can be interpreted as a physical quantity related to the average purity of the constituent qubits and show how it can be observed in an efficient manner without the need for full quantum state tomography. A possible realization is described for measuring the entanglement of a chain of atomic qubits trapped in a 3D optical lattice.
Key words: entanglement

