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The restricted hull operator of M-fuzzifying convex structures1

Price: EUR 27.50

What is it about?

In this paper, the notion of M-fuzzifying restricted hull operators is introduced and several equivalent characterizations are given. It is shown that there is a one-to-one correspondence between M-fuzzifying restricted hull operators and M-fuzzifying convex structures. As applications, some properties of the cut convex structures of an M-fuzzifying convex structure and of M-fuzzifying convexity preserving functions and of M-fuzzifying convex-to-convex functions are derived. In addition, using M-fuzzifying restricted hull operators, some M-fuzzifying convexities are naturally constructed from M-fuzzy quasi-orders.

Why is it important?

And as expected, M-fuzzifying convex structure can be characterized by its M-fuzzifying hull operator (called closure operator in [23]), or even by its effect on finite sets.

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Fu-Gui SHI