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Mobility management in wireless nano-sensor networks using fuzzy logic

Price: EUR 27.50

wireless nano-sensor networks using fuzzy logic

What is it about?

This paper introduces a fuzzy logic-based mobility management solution for mobile cluster-based wireless nano-sensor networks founded on TDMA MAC protocol. This method aids mobile nano sensor nodes to optimally handoff among static anchor nodes named nanocontrollers, so that, the handoff decision is triggered based on a combination of three important local parameters “distance from nano-controller”, “residual energy of nano-controller” and “traffic load of nano-controller”.

Why is it important?

Several critical metrics such as energy consumption, packet loss ratio, successful handoff rate and average end-to-end delay have been studied using NS-3 simulator and the results of performance evaluation show that proposed fuzzy logic-based mobility controller provides more reliability, less delivery delay and lower energy consumption in a dynamic topology of limited WNSN

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Reza Javidan