Method for forecasting the level of software quality based on quality attributes
Article type: Research Article
Authors: Hovorushchenko, Tetiana; * | Medzatyi, Dmytro | Voichur, Yurii | Lebiga, Mykyta
Affiliations: Department of Computer Engineering & Information Systems, Khmelnytskyi National University, Institutsca str., Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine
Correspondence: [*] Corresponding author. Tetiana Hovorushchenko, Department of Computer Engineering & Information Systems, Khmelnytskyi National University, Institutsca str., 11, Khmelnytskyi, 29016, Ukraine. E-mail: [email protected].
Abstract: The paper develops the method for forecasting the level of software quality based on quality attributes. This method differs from the known ones in that it provides forecasting the quality level of future software based on the processing the software quality attributes’ values, which are available in the software requirements specification (SRS). So, the proposed method makes it possible to compare the SRSs, to immediately refuse the realization of a software based on unsuccessful SRS (saving money and time, reducing the probability of failed and challenged projects), and to make a reasonable choice of the specification for the further implementation of a software with the highest quality (of course, if errors will not be introduced at subsequent stages of the software life cycle). During the experiments, 4 SRS were analyzed, which were fulfilled by different IT firms of Khmelnytskyi (Ukraine) for the solution of the same task. Taking into account the forecasted quality level of the future software, which will have developed according to each of the analyzed SRS, a comparison of the 4 analyzed SRS was made, and a reasoned choice of the specification was made for the further realization of the highest quality software.
Keywords: Software quality, software quality attributes, software quality characteristics, software quality level, artificial neural network (ANN)
DOI: 10.3233/JIFS-222394
Journal: Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems, vol. 44, no. 3, pp. 3891-3905, 2023
Method for forecasting the level of software quality based on quality attributes
What is it about?
The paper develops the method for forecasting the level of software quality based on quality attributes. So, the proposed method makes it possible to compare the software requirements specifications (SRSs), to immediately refuse the realization of a software based on unsuccessful SRS (saving money and time, reducing the probability of failed and challenged projects), and to make a reasonable choice of the specification for the further implementation of a software with the highest quality (of course, if errors will not be introduced at subsequent stages of the soft-ware life cycle).
Why is it important?
The developed method differs from the known ones in that it provides forecasting the quality level of future software based on the processing the software quality attributes' values, which are available in the software requirements specification (SRS).