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RETRACTED: Quality improvement path and countermeasures of visual arts for future metaverse: Based on G1-entropy value method

Price: EUR 27.50

Metaverse's path to visual art quality enhancement

What is it about?

Our paper focuses on the visual art quality assessment and enhancement path of the future metaverse, and proposes a theory and method for visual art quality assessment of the metaverse, which provides empirical reference and theoretical methodological support for the enhancement of visual art quality assessment after the introduction of the future metaverse concept.

Why is it important?

In our study, we constructed a metaverse-based visual art field architecture, and considering the many differences between it and the traditional visual art quality assessment, we designed a new visual art quality assessment index system for the future metaverse, and used the G1-entropy method as the basis for the quantitative calculation of the index weights, and proposed three measures for the improvement of the visual art quality in the future metaverse based on the quantitative analysis

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chen xinzhang