Gröbner Bases for Increasing Sequences
Let q,n≥1 be integers, [q]={1,…,q}, and F be a field with |F|≥q. The set
of increasing sequences
I(n,q)={(f1,f2,…,fn)∈[q]n: f1≤f2≤⋯≤fn}
can be mapped via an injective map i:[q]→F into a subset J(n,q) of the affine space Fn. We describe reduced Gröbner bases, standard monomials and Hilbert function of the ideal of polynomials
vanishing on J(n,q).
As applications we give an interpolation basis for J(n,q), and lower bounds for the size of increasing Kakeya sets, increasing Nikodym sets, and for the size of affine hyperplane covers of J(n,q).