The Action of the Symmetric Group on a Generalized Partition Semilattice

  • Robert Gill


Given an integer n2, and a non-negative integer k, consider all affine hyperplanes in Rn of the form xi=xj+r for i,j[n] and a non-negative integer rk. Let Πn,k be the poset whose elements are all nonempty intersections of these affine hyperplanes, ordered by reverse inclusion. It is noted that Πn,0 is isomorphic to the well-known partition lattice Πn, and in this paper, we extend some of the results of Πn by Hanlon and Stanley to Πn,k.

Just as there is an action of the symmetric group Sn on Πn, there is also an action on Πn,k which permutes the coordinates of each element. We consider the subposet Πσn,k of elements that are fixed by some σSn, and find its Möbius function μσ, using the characteristic polynomial. This generalizes what Hanlon did in the case k=0. It then follows that (1)n1μσ(Πσn,k), as a function of σ, is the character of the action of Sn on the homology of Πn,k.

Let Ψn,k be this character times the sign character. For Cn, the cyclic group generated by an n-cycle σ of Sn, we take its irreducible characters and induce them up to Sn. Stanley showed that Ψn,0 is just the induced character χSnCn where χ(σ)=e2πi/n. We generalize this by showing that for k>0, there exists a non-negative integer combination of the induced characters described here that equals Ψn,k, and we find explicit formulas. In addition, we show another way to prove that Ψn,k is a character, without using homology, by proving that the derived coefficients of certain induced characters of Sn are non-negative integers.

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