On a Two-Sided Turán Problem

  • Dhruv Mubayi
  • Yi Zhao


Given positive integers n,k,t, with 2kn, and t<2k, let m(n,k,t) be the minimum size of a family F of nonempty subsets of [n] such that every k-set in [n] contains at least t sets from F, and every (k1)-set in [n] contains at most t1 sets from F. Sloan et al. determined m(n,3,2) and Füredi et al. studied m(n,4,t) for t=2,3. We consider m(n,3,t) and m(n,4,t) for all the remaining values of t and obtain their exact values except for k=4 and t=6,7,11,12. For example, we prove that m(n, 4, 5) = {n \choose 2}-17 for n\ge 160. The values of m(n, 4, t) for t=7,11,12 are determined in terms of well-known (and open) Turán problems for graphs and hypergraphs. We also obtain bounds of m(n, 4, 6) that differ by absolute constants.

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