Spectral Characterizations of Dumbbell Graphs

  • Jianfeng Wang
  • Francesco Belardo
  • Qiongxiang Huang
  • Enzo M. Li Marzi


A dumbbell graph, denoted by Da,b,c, is a bicyclic graph consisting of two vertex-disjoint cycles Ca, Cb and a path Pc+3 (c1) joining them having only its end-vertices in common with the two cycles. In this paper, we study the spectral characterization w.r.t. the adjacency spectrum of Da,b,0 (without cycles C4) with gcd, and we complete the research started in [J.F. Wang et al., A note on the spectral characterization of dumbbell graphs, Linear Algebra Appl. 431 (2009) 1707–1714]. In particular we show that D_{a,b,0} with 3 \leq \gcd(a,b) < a or \gcd(a,b)=a and b\neq 3a is determined by the spectrum. For b=3a, we determine the unique graph cospectral with D_{a,3a,0}. Furthermore we give the spectral characterization w.r.t. the signless Laplacian spectrum of all dumbbell graphs.

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