On Sets with Few Intersection Numbers in Finite Projective and Affine Spaces
In this paper we study sets X of points of both affine and projective spaces over the Galois field GF(q) such that every line of the geometry that is neither contained in X nor disjoint from X meets the set X in a constant number of points and we determine all such sets. This study has its main motivation in connection with a recent study of neighbour transitive codes in Johnson graphs by Liebler and Praeger [Designs, Codes and Crypt., 2014]. We prove that, up to complements, in PG(n,q) such a set X is either a subspace or n=2,q is even and X is a maximal arc of degree m. In AG(n,q) we show that X is either the union of parallel hyperplanes or a cylinder with base a maximal arc of degree m (or the complement of a maximal arc) or a cylinder with base the projection of a quadric. Finally we show that in the affine case there are examples (different from subspaces or their complements) in AG(n,4) and in AG(n,16) giving new neighbour transitive codes in Johnson graphs.