Paths vs. Stars in the Local Profile of Trees

  • Éva Czabarka
  • László Székely
  • Stephan Wagner
Keywords: Trees, Subtrees, Local profile, Paths, Stars


The aim of this paper is to provide an affirmative answer to a recent question by Bubeck and Linial on the local profile of trees. For a tree T, let p(k)1(T) be the proportion of paths among all k-vertex subtrees (induced connected subgraphs) of T, and let p(k)2(T) be the proportion of stars. Our main theorem states: if p(k)1(Tn)0 for a sequence of trees T1,T2, whose size tends to infinity, then p(k)2(Tn)1. Both are also shown to be equivalent to the statement that the number of k-vertex subtrees grows superlinearly and the statement that the (k1)th degree moment grows superlinearly.
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