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A class of linear codes and their complete weight enumerators

  • * Corresponding author: Xiwang Cao

    * Corresponding author: Xiwang Cao 

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant Nos. 11771007 and 61572027)

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  • Let Fq be the finite field with q=pm elements, where p is an odd prime and m is a positive integer. Let Trm denote the trace function from Fq onto Fp, and the defining set DFtq, where t is a positive integer. In this paper, the set D={(x1,x2,,xt)Ftq:Trm(x21+x22++x2t)=0,Trm(x1+x2++xt)=1}. Define the p-ary linear code CD by




    We evaluate the complete weight enumerator of the linear codes CD, and present its weight distributions. Some examples are given to illustrate the results.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 94B05; Secondary: 11T71.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
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  • Table 1.  The weight distribution of CD for 2mt,(mt)p=0

    Weight Frequency
    0 1
    ptm2 p1
    (p1)ptm3 ptm1p
    (p1)(ptm3p2Gtm) (p1)ptm2
    (p1)ptm3+p2Gtm (p1)2ptm2
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    Table 2.  The weight distribution of CD for 2mt,(mt)p0

    Weight Frequency
    0 1
    ptm2+p1Gtm p1
    (p1)ptm3 ptm2p
    (p1)ptm3+p2Gtm (p1)(ptm2+p1Gtm)
    (p1)ptm3+p1Gtm (p1)(ptm21)
    (p1)ptm3+p2(p+1)Gtm 12(p1)(p2)(ptm2+p1Gtm)
    (p1)(ptm3+p2Gtm) 12(p1)(ptm1Gtm)
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    Table 3.  The weight distribution of CD for 2mt,(mt)p=0

    Weight Frequency
    0 1
    ptm2 p1
    (p1)ptm3 2ptm1ptm2p
    (p1)ptm3+p2GtmG 12(p1)2ptm2
    (p1)ptm3p2GtmG 12(p1)2ptm2
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    Table 4.  The weight distribution of CD for 2mt,(mt)p0

    Weight Frequency
    0 1
    n p1
    (p1)ptm3 n+p1η((mt)p)GtmG1
    nptm3 (p1)(2n+p1η((mt)p)GtmG1)
    nptm3+p2GtmG Γ={12(p1)(p2)nifη((mt)p)=112p(p1)nifη((mt)p)=1
    nptm3p2GtmG Γ={12p(p1)nifη((mt)p)=112(p1)(p2)nifη((mt)p)=1
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