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Further results on 2-uniform states arising from irredundant orthogonal arrays

  • * Corresponding author: Zihong Tian

    * Corresponding author: Zihong Tian

This work was supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Grant No. 11871019) and the Graduate Innovation Project of Hebei Province (Grant No. CXZZBS2019077).

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  • The notion of an irredundant orthogonal array (IrOA) was introduced by Goyeneche and ˙Zyczkowski who showed an IrOAλ(t,k,v) corresponds to a t-uniform state of k subsystems with local dimension v (Physical Review A. 90 (2014), 022316). In this paper, we construct some kinds of 2-uniform states by establishing the existence of IrOAλ(2,5,v) for any integer v4, v6; IrOAλ(2,6,v) for any integer v2; IrOAλ(2,q,q) and IrOAλ(2,q+1,q) for any prime power q>3.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 05B15, 81P99; Secondary: 05B20.


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  • Table 1.  Correspondence between parameters of OAs and quantum states

    Parameters Orthogonal array Multipartite quantum state |Φ
    r Runs Number of linear terms in the state
    k Factors Number of qudits
    v Levels Dimension of the subsystem (v=2 for qubits)
    t Strength Class of entanglement (t-uniform)
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