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On construction of lightweight MDS matrices

  • *Corresponding author: Yuan Chen

    *Corresponding author: Yuan Chen 

The fourth author is supported by [Application Foundation Frontier Project of Wuhan Science and Technology Bureau under Grant 2020010601012189 and the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant 62072161]

Abstract / Introduction Full Text(HTML) Figure(2) / Table(8) Related Papers Cited by
  • MDS matrices are widely used in block ciphers. Constructing lightweight MDS matrices is one of the research focuses of lightweight cryptography. In this paper, we define a new operation called the Copy operation by using registers. It is a generalization of Type 3 elementary operations (add a row to another one multiplied by a nonzero number). It is shown that any nonsingular matrix can be obtained by Copy operations and Multiplication operations from the identity matrix I (a Copy Block Implementation of the matrix). Thus we introduce a new metric called gw-xor using Copy Block Implementations to construct lightweight MDS matrices with respect to low xor gates. Compared with sw-xor, the gw-xor count is a better approximation of the optimal implementation cost, and in particular it may be a better approximation of the optimal implementation cost than s-xor. By searching the potential paths of Copy operations that can obtain formal MDS matrices (i.e., matrices with indeterminate elements and each determinant of square submatrix of any order is a nonzero polynomial in these indeterminates), we find 52 classes 16×16 and 32×32 binary MDS matrices with 35 and 67 xor gates respectively, which are the best known results. Furthermore, by considering the depth of MDS matrices, we find more 4×4 MDS matrices over F2n with the lowest xor gates at depths 3, 4, 5.

    Mathematics Subject Classification: Primary: 11T71, 68P25, 94B60.


    \begin{equation} \\ \end{equation}
  • 加载中
  • Figure 1.  The implementation of the path P1 in Example 3

    Figure 2.  The circuit implementation in Example 4

    Table 1.  An implementation of the matrix M in Example 2

    1 x5x9x17 2 x6x10x18(y7) 3 x7x11x19(y8)
    4 x8x12x20(y5) 5 x13x16x21 6 x16x9x22(y9)
    7 x21x10x23(y10) 8 x11x14x24(y11) 9 x12x15x25(y12)
    10 x17x20x26(y6) 11 x9x12x27 12 x13x12x28(y13)
    13 x14x27x29(y14) 14 x15x10x30(y15) 15 x11x16x31(y16)
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    Table 2.  Comparison of metrics, where α is a root of the polynomial x4+x+1

    Matrix over F2[x]/x4+x+1 sw-xor s-xor gw-xor g-xor Reference
    (10000αα0001α00α1) 16 16 15 15 Example 2
    (111α3+1αa+11α3+α+1α3+αa+1α3+α2+1α3+α2α+1αα3+1α3+α2+α+1) 36 [24] 35 [26] 36 35 [26]
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    Table 3.  The potential paths for 4×4 MDS matrices

    No Representative path No Representative path
    1 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) 2 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r2,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r9,R4,¯r11)
    3 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r10) 4 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r11)
    5 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,10) 6 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r5,R3,¯r7,R1,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R4,10)
    7 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) 8 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r2,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r10)
    9 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) 10 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r2,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R4,¯r1,R2,¯r7,R1,¯r8,R3,¯r11)
    11 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) 12 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R3,¯r1,R1,¯r7,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r9,R4,10)
    13 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) 14 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r8,R1,¯r7,R3,¯r9,R4,¯r11)
    15 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R4,¯r2,R1,¯r7,R2,¯r8,R3,¯r11) 16 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r6,R1,¯r2,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r1,R3,¯r9,R2,¯r11)
    17 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r2,R2,¯r9,R3,¯r11) 18 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r9,R2,¯r11)
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    Table 4.  The 52 classes of MDS matrices with 8n+3 xor gates

    No. Path T U
    1 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A,α32=A,β5=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    2 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A1,α32=A1,β5=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    3 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A1,α41=A,β7=A {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    4 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A,α41=A1,β7=A1 {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    5 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α32=A1,β3=A,α64=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    6 (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α32=A,β3=A1,α64=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    7 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α41=A,β4=A,α64=A {0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0}
    8 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R3,¯r6,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R2,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α41=A1,β4=A1,α64=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    9 [10,24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r10) α23=A1,β4=A,β5=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    10 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r10) α23=A,β4=A1,β5=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    11 [10,24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r10) β3=A,α54=A,β5=A {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0}
    12 [24] (R3,¯r4,R2,¯r1,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r10) β3=A1,α54=A1,β5=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,1,0,0}
    13 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) α23=A1,α52=A,α64=A {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    14 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) α23=A,α52=A1,α64=A1 {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    15 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) α23=A,β5=A1,β6=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    16 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) α23=A1,β5=A,β6=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    17 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) α33=A1,α52=A,α64=A {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0}
    18 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) α33=A,α52=A1,α64=A1 {0,0,0,0,1,1,1,0}
    19 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) β4=A,α64=A,β6=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    20 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R2,¯r5,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r6,R1,¯r9,R2,¯r10) β4=A1,α64=A1,β6=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    21 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) α23=A,α54=A,α62=A {0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0}
    22 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) α23=A1,α54=A1,α62=A1 {0,0,0,0,1,0,1,0}
    23 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) α33=A,α54=A,α62=A {0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0}
    24 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) α33=A1,α54=A1,α62=A1 {0,0,0,1,1,0,0,0}
    25 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) α33=A,β5=A,β6=A1 {0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}
    26 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) α33=A1,β5=A1,β6=A {0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}
    27 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) β4=A,α62=A,β6=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    28 (R3,¯r4,R3,¯r1,R3,¯r2,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r8,R2,¯r5,R1,¯r9,R4,¯r10) β4=A1,α62=A1,β6=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    29 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A1,β3=A,β5=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    30 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A,β3=A1,β5=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    31 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) β2=A,β3=A,α64=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    32 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) β2=A1,β3=A1,α64=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    33 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) β2=A,α42=A,β7=A {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    34 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) β2=A1,α42=A1,β7=A1 {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    35 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α31=A,β5=A,β7=A {0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}
    36 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R2,¯r1,R4,¯r7,R4,¯r2,R3,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α31=A1,β5=A1,β7=A1 {0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}
    37 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) α23=A,α31=A1,α64=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    38 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) α23=A1,α31=A,α64=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,1,0}
    39 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) β2=A,α31=A,β5=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    40 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) β2=A1,α31=A1,β5=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    41 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) β2=A1,α53=A,β7=A {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    42 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) β2=A,α53=A1,β7=A1 {0,0,0,0,1,0,0,0}
    43 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) α31=A1,α53=A,α64=A {0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0}
    44 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R2,¯r6,R3,¯r7,R4,¯r8,R4,¯r1,R1,¯r9,R3,¯r11) α31=A,α53=A1,α64=A1 {0,0,1,0,1,0,1,0}
    45 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A1,α31=A,α44=A {0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}
    46 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A,α31=A1,α44=A1 {0,0,1,0,0,0,0,0}
    47 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A,β3=A1,β7=A {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    48 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α23=A1,β3=A,β7=A1 {0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0}
    49 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) β2=A,α44=A,β7=A1 {0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}
    50 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) β2=A1,α44=A1,β7=A {0,0,0,1,0,0,0,0}
    51 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α31=A,α44=A,α63=A1 {0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0}
    52 (R3,¯r4,R1,¯r5,R4,¯r6,R2,¯r7,R3,¯r8,R3,¯r1,R4,¯r9,R1,¯r11) α31=A1,α44=A1,α63=A {0,0,1,1,0,0,1,0}
    Here A is the companion matrix of the minimal polynomial x4+x+1 or x8+x2+1.
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    Table 5.  The depth calculation of M=(P1,S,U) in Example 4

    Copy operation Transformation Depth Copy operation Transformation Depth
    D1=[1,1,1,1] - [0, 0, 0, 0] D5=[1,1,1,1] - [3, 1, 2, 0]
    R3,¯r4(1) x3(¯r5)x3+¯r4 [0, 0, 1, 0] R4,¯r7(1) x4(¯r9)x4+¯r7 [3, 1, 2, 4]
    D2=[1,1,1,1] - [0, 0, 1, 0] [3, 1, 2, 5]
    [0, 1, 1, 0] [3, 1, 2, 6]
    [0, 2, 1, 0] - [3, 1, 2, 6]
    [3, 1, 1, 0] [3, 6, 2, 6]
    - [3, 1, 1, 0] - [3, 6, 2, 6]
    [3, 1, 2, 0] [7, 6, 2, 6]
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    Table 6.  The depth calculation of the path

    Copy operation Transformation Depth Copy operation Transformation Depth
    [0, 0, 1, 0] [2, 1, 2, 3]
    [0, 1, 1, 0] [2, 1, 2, 4]
    [2, 1, 1, 0] [2, 4, 2, 4]
    [2, 1, 2, 0] [5, 4, 2, 4]
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    Table 7.  MDS matrices with low depth and cost

    Depth Cost 1st row 2nd row 3rd row 4th row
    5 [10,24]
    4 [10]
    3 [10]
    5 [10,24]
    4 [10]
    3 [10]
    Where and are the companion matrices of the minimal polynomials and , respectively.
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    Table 8.  The statistical results

    Depth Cost Number of MDS matrices Depth Cost Number of MDS matrices
    - 35 52 - 67 52
    5 35 2 5 67 2
    4 37 4 4 69 4
    3 41 2 3 77 2
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